There are many alternatives to balloon releases. Instead of littering the planet by letting balloons go, you can instead have fun, celebrate, and remember with environmentally-friendly alternatives.

*Unsustainable alternatives to balloons 
Sky lanterns: (Chinese paper lanterns) are not an environmentally-friendly alternative. Leaving a fire unattended is against fire code. Sky lanterns have started huge fires, caused serious burns, and have killed animals.

Butterfly releases: Lepidopterologists warn butterfly releases are not good for the environment. They also promote the breeding and Exploitation of animals. Click here or here for more information.

Dove releases: Wildlife rehabilitators advise against the release of all domestic birds. Casualties are still common even when a professional is used. They also promote the breeding and exploitation of animals. Click here for more information.

Sustainable alternatives to balloons 

Plant in remembrance – A great way to honour and remember a loved one or an important issue is to bring more life to our planet. By planting a native tree, flower garden or butterfly garden you are not only giving life to that plant you are also providing shelter, resources, and clean air to all kinds of wildlife and people. This remembrance will last a very long time and you can visit your tree or flower bed as much as you want and create more life by doing so!

Flowers and trees can also be used at fundraising events as incentives to donate. They could then be planted in a public area, perhaps taking on different shapes or words, or can be taken home by participants to be planted elsewhere as a living memory. Here’s a great place to find trees: GiveTreeGifts.com. There are urns to plant as well. You can also help reforestation with memorial, celebration, or pet loss trees by visiting The Trees Remember.

Flags, banners, streamers and dancing inflatables

For more ideas see https://balloonsblow.org/environmentally-friendly-alternatives/

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